This is how the robot look like
Simple terminal I created. The program run in form of console, it might make you misunderstood that it is easy to be created but in fact, DIFFICULT!!!
Its is how its work, when I input the command something like 'j' from keyboard. Robot will rotate
When I input 'k', robot will move forward.
Its the bluetooth - Serial wireless module I used.
It's very simple to use, just wipe up your wire and enter the pairing code only.
For those who are interest with my project, Here's the link for download
It includes 3 source file of mcu and terminal, it's also contain the debug file of terminal.
If you are looking for the software that only doing a simple serial communication, you can try to use the one i created. Its is included inside the file named "SimpleTerminal.exe",
just click it then enter your output port and communication is started.
Its my first post, any feedback is welcome (^^)
If you are looking for the software that only doing a simple serial communication, you can try to use the one i created. Its is included inside the file named "SimpleTerminal.exe",
just click it then enter your output port and communication is started.
Its my first post, any feedback is welcome (^^)
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